Finding the

Best Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can help you get a brighter smile. Compared to store-bought whitening strips or toothpaste, dentist-supervised whitening treatments are often stronger, safer, and tailored specifically for you. At Smith Dentalworks, we offer three different types of whitening treatments. We can help you find the best teeth whitening option for you during your appointment. This article also gives a brief overview of the methods available at our office so you can get a general idea of which might be a good fit.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

How It Works

We use a highly-concentrated whitening gel for our in-office treatments. This is significantly stronger than any of the products you can get over-the-counter. We will apply to this your teeth while protecting your gums. After we complete the treatment, we will often apply fluoride to help reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity. This depends on your specific needs. With only one or two visits, teeth can become six to eight shades lighter using this method.

When This Method Could Be Best

In-office gel application could be the best teeth whitening method for you if you need quick results for an upcoming event. However, one thing to keep in mind is that no whitening treatment is permanent. Over time, your teeth will start to stain again. If you think you will need to make touch-ups in the future, you may prefer a take-home method.

Custom-Fit Take-Home Whitening

How It Works

In our office, we will fit you for a custom whitening tray by taking a digital impression of your teeth. This prevents the whitening agent from coming into contact with your gums. We will then give you a high-strength gel and clear instructions for how to use this kit at home. The tray will be yours to keep and you can pick up more of the gel as you need it for touch-ups.

When This Method Could Be Best

If you are looking for a highly-effective and safe method for getting whiter teeth, a custom-made kit can be an excellent option. Since the process is supervised by a professional, it’s easier to make sure everything is progressing as it should. Although the whitening agent is not as strong as our in-office treatments, it is well-suited for at-home application.

Ready-Made Teeth Whitening Trays

How It Works

Our office also offers ready-made take-home teeth whitening kits. These feature strong whitening agents and you get all the benefits of dentist supervision, but don’t have to wait for a custom impression.

When This Method Could Be Best

Ready-made whitening is quicker than custom trays, although not as quick as in-office treatment. This is the most cost-effective option and still provides effective and safe results.

Get a Bright and Beautiful Smile

If you want whiter, beautiful teeth, Smith Dentalworks can help. We offer a variety of cosmetic treatments, including whitening, that can help you love the way your smile looks.

Schedule an appointment and we can help you find the best teeth whitening treatment.